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French hospitals to receive a smart, effective tool to manage their high value medical inventory

IDENTI, a health-tech company based in Netanya, Israel, recently won a tender with UniHA, the leading French group purchasing cooperative of public hospitals, to provide a digital platform for the management of medical implants and supplies used in operating rooms and procedural rooms in 1,000 hospitals and medical centers throughout France.

As part of the four-year agreement, hospitals in the French procurement organization, UniHA, will be able to improve hospital management processes and reduce budget costs with IDENTI range of data-capture sensors for tracking and managing core inventory. The Company’s Smart Cabinets and accompanying app connect between hospital and medical supplier systems through IDENTI’s AI, cloud-based management platform. The expected value of transactions over the next four years is over €3 million.

As early as next month, the three largest hospitals of the APH-HP chain: CH Amboire Paré, Pompidou, and HEGP will begin implementing the company’s advanced patent-protected technologies, among them, one finds image recognition, machine learning, RFID and more.

Shmulik Beckerman, Director of Sales and Business Development at IDENTI explains: “For the first time in years, an Israeli company succeeds in winning a tender of 1000 hospitals in France. The French health market is one of the markets with the greatest potential but also one of the most difficult to enter. Most technologies that try to penetrate the market meet with overwhelming barriers and do not succeed. We are proud to report that last August, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, IDENTI succeeded where others had failed.”


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About the author

Or is the Head of Marketing and Strategic Partnerships. She has a wealth of experience in the health–tech sector. Her innovative marketing strategies have successfully driven IDENTI’s growth in multiple worldwide markets. Her strength is the ability to identify what truly resonates within the industry. She is passionate about building relationships and her expertise lies in creating meaningful partnerships with healthcare providers, distributors, and suppliers..
IDENTI Medical - Healthcare Supply Chain Management

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