TOTALSENSE Smart cabinet

ROI Calculator

TOTALSENSE Smart cabinet

ROI Calculator

See the savings your institution could enjoy when implementing the TOTALSENSE CABINET System

We let the numbers speak for themselves.

Calculate how much you can save with the new RFID technology Total Sense Cabinets. Never struggle with inventory management again.

In a short process of less than a minute, you will receive an initial assessment of the potential savings for your healthcare organization.

NOTE: At the end of the short questionnaire, you can get much more in-depth and accurate information and analysis from one of our expert consultants – as always we are here for any questions you may have.

So let’s start…

Choose your department

Insert your inventory details

Insert your labor details

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Fill out the form below to review advanced calculation modes by one of our expert representatives.
(Have we already said that it is without cost or obligation?

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IDENTI Medical - Healthcare Supply Chain Management

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