What’s inside:
Implant tracking processes are going automated and are an excellent way to add efficiency to medical supply management.
Orthopedic surgeries use a vast array of inventory with different type and size options, as well as all those nuts, bolts and screws.
Logging orthopedic supply usage in surgery is notoriously difficult. While adding automation is an obvious improvement, could retaining some manual elements actually enhance surgical usage documentation?
These days we’re automating so many healthcare supply chain processes, and the benefits can be mind-blowing. So, you may think it’s odd that this blog is all about retaining some traditional methods – why would a health-tech company write about the value of manual implant tracking processes?
What is the goal of automation technology?
At IDENTI, our goal is to simplify and optimize the healthcare supply chain, ensuring that your internal workflows are fed with timely, high-quality data that drives through efficient clinical, operational, and financial outcomes.
With this clear vision, our starting point is always to look at existing processes and consider how best to automate them. But every now and again we identify a manual process that works well, and where it’s far simpler to retain this way of working than supplement it with automation.
It’s the old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
Tracking the small items used in orthopedic surgeries
Let’s think about orthopedic procedures and the number of screws, bolts, plates, etc. that are used. When these loose items are consumed at the point of use, they need to be logged in the system, with the quantity of each type and size noted. Non sterile orthopedic implants are a known issue for hospital implant tracking processes, and a GS1 white paper recommended the use of technology to help combat errors and inefficiencies.
This task is usually carried out by manually marking up quantities against a implant sheet as the surgery progresses.
It’s proven to be an effective method as the nurse needs to stay focused on the surgery in order to keep up with the physician, screw by screw, ensuring everything is carefully recorded.
At IDENTI we take a pragmatic approach to developing automated processes and in this particular case we believe that the traditional method works well. However, even though the data has been recorded on the sheet, it still needs to be entered into the system, and that’s where we feel automation can be beneficial.
Many orthopedic nurses end up inputting data on each item used, one item after the other. This takes time and is simply not an efficient way to record usage. The truth is that it can result in data gaps, typos, and missing items.
Going hybrid – manual plus automation
At IDENTI we understand the benefits of dovetailing technology into efficient workflows, and our surgical supply technology ensures optimum outputs.
1️⃣ Let nurses manually record the usage of small consumables on their ‘tried and trusted’ implant sheets.
2️⃣ Use advanced AI vision technology to ‘read’ your completed sheets and convert it into digital data – in a matter of seconds.
Snap&Go is camera technology that transforms a time-consuming and error-prone task into an efficient, digital workflow that feeds full and accurate data into your EHR.
Using camera technology to tracking surgical supplies
Our unique point of use camera technology is transforming surgical supply documentation.
AI vision technology provides comprehensive and precise tracking of small consumables in orthopedic surgeries, ensuring that all items are accurately recorded in the EHR with the correct quantities.
The automated inventory tracking system ensures that handwritten surgical implant sheets end up in the digital records without any data inputting
How AI Vision Works
Learn more about AI Vision and achieve full and accurate orthopedic supply records by digitizing hand-written implant sheets in seconds.
Place the completed implant sheet under the camera sensor.
Wait for the green light.
The data on the sheet, every item and each quantity, is now recorded in the system.
Fully automated. No manual entry at all.
AI camera technology can digitize handwritten count sheets to quickly and accurately log all the small nuts, bolts and screws used in surgery.
Your implant tracking processes need to be robust. Implementing a hybrid approach by embracing a partly manual process can work well when leveraging advanced AI camera technology.
Talk to us about improving your implant tracking processes at the point of care.