Take a peek!! This video gives you a glimpse of IDENTI’s Weight-Based PAR bin – the first-of-its-kind, portable PAR bin with its own integrated weighing scale.

Find out how IDENTI’s automated PAR inventory bin gives full visibility of medical supplies and replenishes itself when it reaches its pre-set order point – taking nurses out of the supply chain.

The new portable, weight-based PAR bin is the next generation of supplies management – watch the video to find out why.


Here are five reasons that IDENTI’s Weight-Based PAR inventory storage bins would add value to any hospital inventory management system.

  1. PORTABILITY: Our flexible PAR solution offers unlimited supply room configuration – the inbuilt scales work via Wi-Fi, so that the bin’s location is not restricted by any power cable. The only other weight-based PAR systems on the market are cumbersome wall units with in-built bins that need to be positioned next to a power source. Finally the PAR bin has been set free to offer you maximum flexibility in your supply space configuration.
  2. VISIBILITY: The weight-based bin provides real-time stock visibility – the scale continually assesses the level of stock in the bin, communicating this with the management software which displays real-time stock levels. The IDENTI Weight-based inventory system is the next generation of PAR bin – it uses patent-protected RFID technologies — and is powered by AI management software. Hospital Materials Managers have up to date inventory information at their fingertips, without the need for any counts.
  3. AUTOMATED RESTOCKING: IDENTI’s smart PAR inventory bin self-generates its own restock order when the order point is reached – making it a totally autonomous tool. The ‘At Par’ software puts an end to surpluses and restocks by ensuring orders are placed just when new stock is needed.
  4. INVENTORY DATA: The Weight-Based PAR Bin connects to IDENTI’s management software, which seamlessly integrates with your ERP and MMIS systems. Kanban and PAR reports, metrics and data insights give Materials Managers all the real time information, historical patterns and inventory reports that they need to make data-driven decisions that add efficiency and cost savings in to the hospital inventory supply chain process.
  5. HYBRID SOLUTION: The autonomous, weight-based PAR bin is part of IDENTI’s Kanban and PAR suite of solutions and can be used either as a standalone product or as part of a hybrid solution. Our Kanban and PAR case study shows how the benefit of an automated, hybrid Kanban and PAR system following a pilot that assessed the benefits of introducing this system onto a hospital ward.


Hospitals finally have full automation in a handy, portable bin – a great addition to any Kanban inventory management system.

This video introduces the IDENTI autonomous weight based PAR bin – take a look at the future of Kanban and PAR.

Automated, Weight Based PAR Bin

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About the author

Or is the Head of Marketing and Strategic Partnerships. She has a wealth of experience in the health–tech sector. Her innovative marketing strategies have successfully driven IDENTI’s growth in multiple worldwide markets. Her strength is the ability to identify what truly resonates within the industry. She is passionate about building relationships and her expertise lies in creating meaningful partnerships with healthcare providers, distributors, and suppliers..
IDENTI Medical - Healthcare Supply Chain Management

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