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This blog looks at how Johnson & Johnson in Mexico introduced IDENTI’s RFID smart cabinet technology in their orthopedic department.

We look at:

  • The introduction of a new medical implant management system
  • Implant tracking problems in healthcare
  • Smart cabinet pilot – using an RFID cabinet and AI managing software
  • Post pilot implementation of smart cabinet technology

Medical implant management system

Following a successful pilot in Mexico, Johnson & Johnson announced that it is expanding the use of IDENTI’s medical implants management system to hospitals in Brazil.

More than a year after IDENTI’s Smart Cabinet system and integrated AI management software was installed at one of Mexico’s major medical centers to manage the supply of medical implants and kits for laparoscopic/bariatric surgery and other OR procedures, Johnson & Johnson is expanding this successful pilot program to other hospitals in Mexico. In addition, a new pilot will begin in Brazil for implants in orthopedic surgeries.

Implant tracking problems in healthcare

Inaccurate inventory data, expired items, manual inventory counting, long shipment-to-cash times, inaccurate billing processes and mistakes in replenishment orders, led Johnson & Johnson to seek digital solutions that would provide an accurate view of inventory levels of valuable medical devices at point-of-use inside hospitals.

“In December 2019, senior executives at Johnson & Johnson’s Value Chain Division approached me to help solve difficult problems in managing medical implants and kits for laparoscopic/bariatric surgery in Mexico. A few months later we succeeded in “moving the needle”. We performed a complete digital transformation to the J&J work process.” Shlomo Matityaho, CEO of IDENTI

Together, a program was devised based on IDENTI’s Smart Cabinet system and AI software. As a result, Johnson & Johnson’s current inventory management work process underwent a complete digital transformation.

Smart cabinet pilot

A pilot was launched in a leading medical center in Mexico where full automation of manual processes was achieved.

“As a Global Supply Chain Digital Executive for Johnson & Johnson, I have engaged with several innovative companies that strive to improve business processes at hospitals and medical facilities. IDENTI is world-class. They have a deep understanding of the global healthcare environment and processes, combined with cutting-edge, scalable technologies that result in a top-tier customer experience. They have the knowledge and experience to translate the day-to-day challenges faced by medical providers and hospitals into workable, automated, simple-to-use global solutions.” explains Neil Ackerman, Global Supply Chain Digital Executive, John & Johnson.


TotalSense RFID Smart Cabinet for advanced implant tracking
TotalSense RFID Smart Cabinet for advanced implant tracking

Post pilot implementation of smart cabinet technology

After a successful pilot program that realized 100% availability of stock at point-of-use and elimination of waste from expired items, emergency shipments and stock-outs, Johnson & Johnson is implementing IDENTI’s Smart Cabinet system throughout its orthopedic division.

Efficient management of orthopedic supplies is considered especially challenging because of the vast selection of implant types and sizes combined with the fact that often the exact item required is only apparent during the procedure.

Ackerman continues, “IDENTI has the solutions to ensure business value, economic viability and adherence to regulations for all customers and stakeholders in the medical supply industry. After cooperating with hundreds of IDENTI installations at hospitals around the world, we have future plans to further engage with IDENTI as they scale.”

Find out more about the RFID Smart Cabinet.



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About the author

Or is the Head of Marketing and Strategic Partnerships. She has a wealth of experience in the health–tech sector. Her innovative marketing strategies have successfully driven IDENTI’s growth in multiple worldwide markets. Her strength is the ability to identify what truly resonates within the industry. She is passionate about building relationships and her expertise lies in creating meaningful partnerships with healthcare providers, distributors, and suppliers..
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