What’s inside:

IDENTI has just released the latest version of our AI platform, promising a seamless inventory management experience.

Read on to discover:

  • What is AI Managing software in inventory management?
  • The relationship between medical supply data collection tools and managing software
  • How the new v4 release enhances the user interface, boosts functionality, and drives through dynamic data.
  • The benefit of managing software on hospital inventory management.


The next version of our cloud AI platform makes it even easier for our users to get the full picture of their inventory.

How our AI cloud platform helps providers manage hospital inventory

The IDENTIPlaform is AI software that operates in the cloud and powers our unique range of data-sensing tools. The combination of advanced hardware tools for real-time data collection of medical inventory, plus sophisticated managing software, is a winning partnership.

Added into the mix is a global SKU database that super-charges item identification and data-fixing functionality, while at the same time ensuring the hospital’s own item master keeps up with items that aren’t listed or contain out-of-date or incomplete entries.

The IDENTIPlatform incorporates a range of technology, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics, helping providers to collect real-time, complete, and standardized data, and then process it to create meaningful clinical, operational, and management information, that serves as vital business intelligence.


AI managing software for smarter healthcare supply chain management

AI software plays a transformative role in healthcare supply chain automation, but what exactly does AI software deliver?

Let’s take a quick look at the technology that powers our upgraded platform.

  • Leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques our software optimizes processes and enhances efficiency.
  • AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, enabling healthcare providers to make data-driven decisions and optimize supply chain workflows.
  • Predictive analytics enable proactive inventory forecasting, ensuring that hospitals have the right supplies at the right time, thereby mitigating the risk of shortages or excess inventory


AI technology has the power to streamline and automate routine tasks that previously took hours, or even days to complete. It provides valuable insights to develop a more agile, responsive supply chain.


IDENTIPlatform - transforming inventory data into meaningful business intelligence for smarter inventory management
IDENTIPlatform – transforming inventory data into meaningful business intelligence for smarter inventory management


The relationship between data collection tools and managing software

Advanced data collection tools like our TotalSense smart cabinet, Snap&Go point-of-use supply utilization documenter, and Kanban&PAR automation tools, serve as the foundation for gathering real-time data on inventory levels, usage patterns, and supply chain movements within the hospital. This data is then fed into managing software, where it is processed and analyzed.

By integrating data collection tools with managing software, hospitals can achieve greater visibility and control over their supply chain operations.

In essence, data collection tools provide the raw data, while managing software transforms this data into actionable insights and enables hospitals to streamline their supply chain management processes for improved efficiency and patient outcomes.

So, now we understand the power of inventory management software, let’s find out more about v4 of the IDENTIPlatform!


New-release upgrade for IDENTIPlatform managing software

Our AI cloud platform powers the full range of medical inventory data collection tools, which are custom-designed for different types of inventory. We’ve been working behind the scenes to ensure this vital user interface is user-friendly and data-optimized.


IDENTI's Next-Gen AI Platform Goes Live | IDENTI Medical

Finally, we can announce that the next generation of IDENTI’s AI Management Platform has just been launched! We have officially released version 4 of the IDENTIPlatform.

The upgraded system includes a series of enhancements designed to improve user experience and system functionality.


IDENTIPlatform 4.0 – 4 reasons the new release rocks

So, what can customers expect from the upgraded dashboard and interface?

  1. Improved system design and user experience: We’ve upgraded the user interface, ensuring quick, intuitive platform navigation, for enhanced user interaction and a seamless customer experience.
  2. Simpler processes and new screens: While main work processes always worked well, several new screens have been added to enhance usability and functionality.
  3. Data at your fingertips: Access real-time metrics, auto-generated inventory reports, and meaningful data analytics to ensure operational excellence, smarter management, and informed planning.
  4. AI-based features: A much-anticipated upgrade – a new range of artificial intelligence features that generate even smarter data analysis, for meaningful, actionable insights that can steer your organization to success.


Metrics, reports and data analytics provide insight into the healthcare supply chain.
Metrics, reports and data analytics provide insight into the healthcare supply chain.


Cloud platform outputs

Managing software is all about data. So, let’s now look at the different data, statistical, and analytical outputs our system generates:

Metrics – a dashboard full of real-time inventory data. Gain full visibility of your medical inventory, understanding which items you have and where they are stored.

Reports – get an overview of stock levels, utilization, expiry management, and more with auto-generated reports that support efficient operational management.

Insights – meaningful analytics provide smart data that steers healthcare organizations forward by highlighting cost-saving opportunities and waste-reduction options, as well as indicating future trends to support more accurate planning.



The IDENTIPlatform is at the center of our range of inventory management solutions, and we’re so excited that version 4 went live today.

Benefits of precise medical inventory management

IDENTI’s automated healthcare technology was developed in response to the data ‘blindspots’ that our customers commonly complained about.

These data gaps put compliance and patient safety at risk and prevented providers from achieving full inventory visibility and control. Providers were therefore looking to enhance the accuracy of their inventory levels, consumption data, and medical records.

Modern healthcare runs on data. IDENTI’s advanced data collection tools and AI managing software deliver real-time tracking of stock items and consumption – from high-value medical implants to narcotics and bulk supplies.

Achieving real-time and accurate inventory data is the key to full stock visibility and smarter supply chain decision-making.


We’ve written to all of our customers and included a detailed explanatory document. As always, our IDENTI customer support team is available to assist with any queries.

Technology never stands still and IDENTI embraces an ethos of continuous improvement.

Find out more about the IDENTIPlatform.

Contact us for more information.


FAQ: IDENTI’s Next-Gen AI Platform Goes Live

IDENTIPlatform is AI software operating in the cloud, offering real-time data collection and management tools for medical inventory, powered by artificial intelligence.

The managing software supports IDENTI’s range of automated medical inventory data sensing tools, providing access to AI, machine learning, predictive analytics, and a global SKU database that complements and supports your own Item Master.

The IDENTIPlatform supports automated inventory management in several ways:

  • Centralized data management: Hospital inventory management software allows for the centralization of inventory data, including stock levels, product details, and usage information. By consolidating this information in one place, hospital staff can easily access real-time inventory data, track usage trends, and make informed decisions about procurement and stock management. Real-time item-level tracking also ensures full visibility and quick stock retrieval.
  • Automated inventory management processes: Inventory management software automates many manual supply chain management tasks, such as inventory tracking, ordering, and replenishment. Automated processes help streamline workflow efficiency, reduce human error, and minimize the risk of stockouts or overstocking.
  • Forecasting and Demand Planning: Our inventory management software includes features for forecasting and demand planning, enabling hospitals to anticipate future inventory needs based on historical usage data, seasonal trends, and patient demand. By accurately predicting inventory requirements, hospitals can optimize stock levels, reduce excess inventory, and minimize carrying costs.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Our mananaging software helps hospitals maintain compliance with regulatory requirements by combining the use of advanced data collection tools for documentation, with software for data validation, identification and reporting, ensuring a full audit trail of every high value product. Software-generated reports can also be used to demonstrate compliance with industry standards and facilitate regulatory inspections.
  • Integration with core hospital systems such as the Electronic Health Records (EHR): Our AI platform integrates seamlessly with all common electronic health record (EHR) systems, including EPIC and Cerner. This facilitates the automatic capture and updating of inventory data based on patient care activities. Integration with EHR systems ensures that inventory usage is accurately recorded and billed, streamlining billing processes and reducing revenue leakage.
  • Vendor Management: Our inventory management software supports vendor contract management by tracking stock levels and utilization. When vendors have access to central data it makes performance monitoring a simpler task that doesn’t trigger disputes. By consolidating vendor information in one platform, hospitals can easily evaluate supplier performance, negotiate favorable contracts, and ensure timely delivery of goods.


Overall, the IDENTIPlatform is managing software that supports the hospital’s automated inventory management systems by providing tools and functionalities to streamline inventory processes, improve inventory accuracy, optimize stock levels, and enhance compliance with regulatory requirements.

By leveraging IDENTIPlatform inventory management software, hospitals can achieve greater operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve patient care outcomes.


The AI platform verifies and processes data received from IDENTI’s line of solutions, ensuring healthcare providers receive complete, correct, and timely inventory data for smarter medical inventory management.

The upgraded version features improved system design, user experience, additional screens for usability, real-time metrics access, and new artificial intelligence features for smarter data analysis. IDENTI is always responding to user preferences and request, and prides itself on going a step ahead of the market. We understand that technology needs to be simple and easy to use for it to be successfully implemented, so however smart the software is, it’s vital that the user interface and navigation is clear and user-friendly.

This next-gen upgrade brings data to the fingertips of decision-makings, ensuring everyone is informed and can make data-driven decisions. When managers receive timely and accurate data it super charges their decision-making, giving them clear insight and direction. Analytics empower managers to spot trends, understand cost-saving opportunities and generally make more informed decisions.

The powerful AI managing software facilitates the sharing of data with trusted supply chain partners, providing improved visibility and enhanced collaboration.

Improving supply chain data collection in healthcare offers several benefits and can have a significant impact on efficiency and performance. IDENTI’s technology fills existing data gaps ensuring:

Cost Savings: Filling supply chain data gaps can lead to cost savings through improved inventory management, reduced waste, and more efficient procurement practices. By optimizing inventory levels and streamlining procurement processes, healthcare organizations can minimize carrying costs, avoid excess inventory, and negotiate better pricing with suppliers, ultimately reducing overall supply chain expenses.

Improved Patient Care: Better data collection in the supply chain can have a direct impact on patient care by ensuring that healthcare facilities have access to the medical supplies and equipment they need to provide quality care. By optimizing inventory management and ensuring timely delivery of critical supplies, healthcare organizations can reduce the risk of treatment delays and improve patient outcomes.

Reduced Risk: Plugging data gaps in the supply chain helps healthcare organizations mitigate risks associated with inventory shortages, stockouts, and disruptions in the supply chain. By proactively monitoring supply chain data, organizations can identify potential risks, such as supplier delays or quality issues, and implement contingency plans to minimize their impact on operations.

Regulatory Compliance: Better data collection in the supply chain can help healthcare organizations ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, such as those related to inventory tracking, traceability, and reporting. By maintaining accurate and complete supply chain data, organizations can demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards and avoid penalties or fines for non-compliance.

Better Decision-Making: With access to complete and accurate data, as opposed to partial and patchy data, healthcare organizations can make more informed decisions regarding inventory management, procurement strategies, and resource allocation. By analyzing supply chain data, organizations can identify trends, forecast demand, and make strategic decisions that optimize performance and reduce costs.

Enhanced Visibility: Filling data gaps in the supply chain provides healthcare organizations with a more comprehensive view of their inventory, procurement processes, and distribution networks. Improved visibility enables organizations to identify inefficiencies, anticipate shortages, and optimize inventory levels, leading to more efficient and effective supply chain management.

Plugging the data gaps experienced by many providers has a profound effect on healthcare performance.


Precise inventory management ensures accuracy in inventory levels, consumption data, and medical records, enabling optimized inventory management and smarter supply chain decision-making.

The benefits of precise stock level and utilization data in healthcare are numerous and impactful:

  1. Optimized Inventory Management: Precise stock level data allows healthcare facilities to maintain optimal inventory levels, ensuring that essential medical supplies and equipment are always available when needed. By accurately tracking stock levels and consumption patterns, healthcare organizations can minimize stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and optimize storage space, leading to cost savings and improved operational efficiency.
  2. Reduced Waste: Precise utilization data enables healthcare organizations to identify and reduce waste associated with expired or obsolete inventory. By tracking usage patterns and expiration dates, organizations can proactively manage inventory, rotate stock effectively, and minimize the disposal of expired products, leading to cost savings and improved resource utilization.
  3. Improved Patient Care: Precise stock level and utilization data directly impact patient care by ensuring that healthcare providers have access to the medical supplies and equipment they need to deliver high-quality care. By maintaining optimal inventory levels and minimizing stockouts, healthcare organizations can reduce the risk of treatment delays, improve patient outcomes, and enhance the overall patient experience.
  4. Enhanced Financial Performance: Precise stock level and utilization data contribute to improved financial performance by reducing inventory carrying costs, minimizing waste, and optimizing procurement practices. By accurately tracking inventory levels and consumption patterns, healthcare organizations can negotiate better pricing with suppliers, reduce excess inventory, and improve cash flow, leading to cost savings and increased profitability.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Precise stock level and utilization data help healthcare organizations ensure compliance with regulatory requirements related to inventory management, traceability, and reporting. By maintaining accurate and complete records of stock levels and consumption, organizations can demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards and avoid penalties or fines for non-compliance.
  6. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Precise stock level and utilization data empower healthcare organizations to make data-driven decisions regarding inventory management, procurement strategies, and resource allocation. By analyzing data on usage patterns, consumption trends, and supply chain performance, organizations can identify opportunities for optimization, implement targeted interventions, and drive continuous improvement in supply chain management practices.
  7. Enhanced Supply Chain Collaboration: Precise stock level and utilization data facilitate collaboration and communication between healthcare organizations and their suppliers, distributors, and other partners. By sharing data and insights across the supply chain ecosystem, organizations can improve coordination, align goals, and implement joint initiatives that enhance efficiency and performance.


Overall, precise stock level and utilization data are essential for optimizing inventory management, reducing waste, improving patient care, enhancing financial performance, ensuring regulatory compliance, driving data-driven decision-making, and fostering collaboration across the healthcare supply chain. By leveraging accurate and actionable data, healthcare organizations can achieve greater efficiency, effectiveness, and resilience in their supply chain operations.

All of IDENTI’s customers have been contacted and have received detailed explanations of the upgrade.

IDENTI’s customer support team is available to assist with any queries.

Further information is available on the IDENTIPlatform.

Enjoy using the new upgraded IDENTIPlatform managing software!

Yes, IDENTI embraces an ethos of continuous improvement, ensuring that its technology evolves to meet the changing needs of healthcare providers.

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About the author

Sharona is Marketing and Content Manager, charged with telling the world about IDENTI Medical, and its range of data sensing solutions. Sharona has worked in a range of industry settings, including healthcare organizations and SAAS companies. Sharona is also responsible for organizing network events across the US, creating opportunities for healthcare professionals to meet the team and see our products in action.
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