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IDENTI works as a development partner with healthcare organizations looking to use innovative technology to improve healthcare operations and management.

Our partnership with Columbia University is for a digital storage tracking system in an IVF center.

Find out more about our technology at the forefront of storage tracking, which is enabling stronger safeguards and stock monitoring for vital supplies.

IDENTI Medical, a leading health-tech company, announced its selection by Columbia University’s Center for Assisted Reproduction (IVF) in New York. The collaboration focuses on developing, manufacturing, and commercializing a revolutionary weight-based monitoring system for sperm and egg storage tanks. storage tracking

Next-Generation Storage Tracking

This selection stems from the recent research developed at Columbia University, which establishes a clear link between a tank’s weight and a decline in sperm and egg viability. The new storage tracking system, co-developed by IDENTI Medical and the university, will continuously monitor storage tank weight. This real-time data will trigger alerts for any changes that might indicate fluctuations in weight related to temperature or humidity – crucial factors for preserving sperm and egg health.

The agreement grants IDENTI Medical a license to utilize the university’s advanced algorithm. This algorithm offers pinpoint accuracy in detecting even the slightest weight variations. Through this partnership, IDENTI Medical and Columbia University will introduce this joint solution to roughly 400 fertility centers across the United States. IDENTI Medical is poised to install the first system at the Manhattan New York IVF Center in the third quarter of 2024.

Digital Scale Technology

Launched just a year and a half ago, IDENTI Medical’s line of AI-powered weight-based solutions has garnered significant traction. This success is reflected in multiple collaborations and installations across the healthcare landscape.

“We are honored to partner with Columbia University New York, a preeminent academic institution in the realm of fertility,” stated IDENTI Medical’s CEO, Shlomo Matityahu. “IDENTI Medical boasts seven registered patents and stands as one of the few companies in the healthcare supply chain with advanced in-house R&D capabilities. This allows us to transform the dreams of medical institutions seeking a flexible development partner into tangible realities. I firmly believe our new system will significantly enhance the safety and efficacy of sperm and egg storage, ultimately contributing to the success of countless fertility treatments.”


The new storage tracking technology enables multiple conditions to be checked to ensure the ongoing health of the sperm and egg stored in storage tanks in IVF centers. The storage tracking will be able to provide early warning alerts that safeguard the health and effectiveness of the samples, reducing wastage down to a minimum.

This is an exciting project that integrates innovative technology into IVF processes to ensure enhanced effectiveness of their sperm and egg supplies, enabling more couples to experience the joy of parenthood.


IDENTI Medical is a global health-tech company specializing in AI-driven automation tools that enhance inventory management and streamline operational workflows. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as AI, computer vision, and machine learning, IDENTI has successfully optimized revenue capture, improved data standardization, and reduced the time clinical teams spend on administrative tasks. The innovative data-sensing solutions redefine medical inventory management by providing hospitals and supply chain partners with end-to-end visibility, tracking, and control of healthcare inventory, right through to consumption.


Columbia University New York is a world-renowned institution consistently ranked among the most prestigious universities globally. The university’s medical school is particularly recognized for its expertise in fertility and its ongoing groundbreaking research in this field. Columbia University Fertility Center embraces new technology and is keen to leverage the latest advancements to solve identified areas of inefficiency.

Storage tracking

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About the author

Shlomo is the CEO of IDENTI Medical. His background is in the thriving, dynamic world of international high-tech, with a primary focus on enhancing operational efficiency and streamlining healthcare business processes. Shlomo’s specialist knowledge resulted in him pioneering the development of end-sensors powered by machine-learning for the collection and identification of mass data. IDENTI’s tools are all supported by cutting edge software that converts vital supply chain data into critical business insights that can be used to predict demand and optimize performance.
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