What’s inside:

IDENTI Medical harnesses the power of digital technology to streamline and optimize the healthcare supply chain.

Our latest infographic gets down to basics, breaking down the healthcare supply chain technology used in our data sensing tools and cloud AI platform.

What is healthcare supply chain technology? How does it work and what does it do?

It’s the combination of precise, real-time data capture achieved via advanced healthcare data collection tools and our AI cloud platform that results in the efficient management of hospital medical inventory and supplies.


Foundations of Supply Chain Optimization

Let’s look again at the three pillars that support the IDENTI Medical range of healthcare supply chain management solutions.

  1. Data Collection – our tools are designed to manage different types of inventory:
  2. Data Processing – Our technologies then ensure automated data identification, taking the responsibility away from nurses and removing reliance on the hospital Item Master.
  3. Data Sharing – Our seamless interoperability then ensures that item level data can be shared with hospital systems such as the EMR, ERP and MMIS. Third party supply chain stakeholders can also tap in to the system if desired by the healthcare provider.


Healthcare Supply Chain Technology

In order to provide clinician-friendly, effective data capture tools IDENTI uses a range of healthcare supply chain technology including RFID, AI, machine learning, and image recognition technology.

Technology is storming the healthcare sector. The market of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare was valued at $15.1 billion in 2022, and recent research estimates that it will reach $187.95 billion by 2030, rising at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37% from 2022 to 2030.

The IDENTIPlatform incorporates AI and machine learning to ensure swift data collection and identification, as well as the generation of meaningful data analytics.

Once collected, this data is then analyzed and is presented in easy-to-understand formats including real-time metrics, system reports and AI insights.


Data capture, item identification and AI analytics support optimized supply chain management
Data capture, item identification and AI analytics support optimized supply chain management


The diagram above shows our three-pillar foundation.

  • Our various smart IoT hardware ensures complete and correct data collection of inventory in storage and being utilized at the point of use.
  • This data feeds into our AI powered software, identifying every item, checking fullness and correctness of data, and ensuring standardized, accurate data is stored in your systems.
  • Finally, we integrate seamlessly with your systems so that all that valuable data is fed directly into your own technology and workflows.


So, how exactly do we do it?

The Technology Behind our Software

We use several advanced technologies to drive through data precision.

The infographic below breaks down the technology that makes it all work.

Healthcare supply chain technology infographic
Healthcare supply chain technology infographic

Click here to download a pdf version:

IDENTI Technology – AI automation tools for healthcare supply chain management


Healthcare supply chain technology is transforming the healthcare delivery and management.  IDENTI is at the forefront, leading the way with groundbreaking solutions that enhance organizational performance.

IDENTI’s healthcare expertize + Advanced technology = Optimized OR management

Our technology drives solutions for medical devices, tissue and bone, implants, medical supplies, narcotics, controlled drugs and medications.

Find out more.

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About the author

Sharona is Marketing and Content Manager, charged with telling the world about IDENTI Medical, and its range of data sensing solutions. Sharona has worked in a range of industry settings, including healthcare organizations and SAAS companies. Sharona is also responsible for organizing network events across the US, creating opportunities for healthcare professionals to meet the team and see our products in action.
IDENTI Medical - Healthcare Supply Chain Management

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