IDENTI Medical is going to be at the OR Manager Conference in Denver on 17-19 October 2022.

If you plan to attend the 2022 OR Manager Conference, drop by to see us at BOOTH 325.

The OR Manager Conference brings together managers and directors involved in leading the surgical suite.

It’s the place to share to share best practice, and IDENTI will be showcasing our breakthrough technology for surgical spaces.


Find out about the revolutionary Snap&Go

Join the revolution – achieve full item and charge capture at the POC in just 3 seconds, using patented image-recognition software.

See Snap & Go, cutting edge computer-vision technology, at OR Manager Hybrid OR

Snap & Go image recognition
Snap & Go

Total Sense – automated medical device, tissue and implant tracking

Our smart cabinet uses UHF RFID technology to provide real-time visibility and control of your high-dollar implants and devices.

Total Sense in Cath lab Sheba Medical Center
Total Sense in Cath Lab


Both solutions are powered by the same AI management software, that produces reports and data insights to give you total control of your inventory.

See how Total Sense + Snap & Go is the winning combination.


IDENTI Medical combines a deep understanding of the healthcare sector with technical innovation, to produce cutting edge tools for surgical spaces

Our suite of nurse-centric tools solve common point-of-care data capture challenges.

Don’t miss this opportunity to find out how the right tools in your procedural areas can save your perioperative team time and effort, while improving efficiency, reducing costs and improving patient safety.

Too good to be true? Come see for yourself at Booth 325!


Automated, Weight Based PAR Bin

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About the author

Or is the Head of Marketing and Strategic Partnerships. She has a wealth of experience in the health–tech sector. Her innovative marketing strategies have successfully driven IDENTI’s growth in multiple worldwide markets. Her strength is the ability to identify what truly resonates within the industry. She is passionate about building relationships and her expertise lies in creating meaningful partnerships with healthcare providers, distributors, and suppliers..
IDENTI Medical - Healthcare Supply Chain Management

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