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It’s time to discover effortless point-of-care utilization!

Snap & Go uses tech innovation to solve a common POU data capture challenge.

Introducing Snap & Go – the POU data capture revolution

Many hospitals use slow, cumbersome systems that fail to capture full data on all items used in surgery.

Snap & Go is a gamechanger.

All it takes is a 3 second ‘snap’ of product packaging to achieve full digital documentation in the EMR/ERP and MMIS.

That’s full UDI and charge capture plus POU expiry and recall alerts.

Take a look at our video of Snap & Go! The next generation of charge capture is here.

POU data capture with ease

Capturing usage data in OR and Procedural Rooms doesn’t need to be painful.

Traditional POU utilization tools use barcodes, RFID readers or QR codes.

But the fact is that these routinely fail to capture full usage during surgery.

They all fall down when it comes to capturing times such as trunk stock. which don’t appear on the item master list.

Supply Chain Management

IDENTI takes a different approach. It’s an innovative new POU data capture solution that uses patented image-recognition technology to record all chargeable medical devices, tissues, implants and consumables at the point of care.

Nurses just need to take a quick ‘snap’ of the product packaging to achieve full itemization – in just 3 seconds!

In 3 seconds your OR and Procedure Room can achieve:

  • Full UDI capture
  • Full charge capture
  • EHR and ERP  documentation
  • Data transferred to MMIS to ensure real time inventory visibility and accurate restocks
  • Pre consumption expiry and recall alerts


Perioperative Nurses and Logistics Managers both love Snap & Go. It streamlines workflows, significantly reduces nurse admin and just gets the job done.

It provides pre and post surgery expiry and recall protection to boost patient safety too.

There’s long term impact to capturing POU usage data with Snap & Go too:

  • Real time stock visibility
  • Automatic restocks based on actual need
  • Reduced inventory
  • Lower costs
  • Improved compliance
  • Reduced admin for both logistics and nursing staff

Getting usage data right at the point of care matters.

Snap & Go gets the job done with minimum fuss.

Contact us to find out more or request a demo.

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About the author

Or is the Head of Marketing and Strategic Partnerships. She has a wealth of experience in the health–tech sector. Her innovative marketing strategies have successfully driven IDENTI’s growth in multiple worldwide markets. Her strength is the ability to identify what truly resonates within the industry. She is passionate about building relationships and her expertise lies in creating meaningful partnerships with healthcare providers, distributors, and suppliers..
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