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Read how you could add $1.3M to your reimbursements    by deploying SNAP & GO computer vision data capture technology at the point of care.

$1.3M savings after introducing new POU data capture technology | IDENTI Medical

This cost-savings report was compiled with data provided by the Director of Perioperative Surgery at a Level 1 Trauma Center with 10 ORs.

In the report, we look at the impact that inaccurate data capture at the point of care had on clinical and operational performance, as well as the financial implications.

Get the report!                                                                                                 

Let us calculate what the ROI could be for YOUR organization – with Snap & Go as your POU data capture tool!


Too many items fail to seamlessly scan into the system - barcode systems struggle with point of use documentation in the complex OR setting.

Lack of data integrity at the point of use

The Trauma Center identified several data integrity issues:

  • There were errors and omissions in their surgical charting.
  • Items were routinely left off medical billing.
  • Regular management-level documentation audits were required to identify and rectify errors.


POU data capture workflows

The process of data-capture at the point of care was not robust enough to cope with the full range of items needing documentation:

  • Barcode scanning needed to be supplemented by manual data-entry.
  • Scanning resulted in regular system exceptions, due to products not finding a match on the Item Master.
  • Manual data entry was error-prone and time consuming.
  • Documentation taking place after surgery took nursing staff away from direct patient care duties.
Point of use healthcare inventory management solution - TotalSense RFID cabinets and Snap&Go computer vision supply documentation

The cost of non-documentation at the point of care

In the Cost Savings Study, we reveal:

Snap&Go - easy, accurate item and charge capture at the point of care

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Do you want us to calculate the ROI of switching over to SNAP & GO for YOUR organization?
Disclaimer: Identi supplies recall data but is not responsibe for the hospital’s response to the data
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