2022 GOAL: TARGETING ZERO EVENTS. How to ensure maximum patient safety at point of use? | IDENTI Medical


How to ensure maximum patient safety at point of use?

Because Never Events are devastating and preventable, hospitals and healthcare providers are under increasing pressure to eliminate them completely. There are many actions taken, but ultimately OR nurses are the first and last line of defense for not only patients but physicians as well.

Recent sentinel events led us to think if there is a connection between inefficiencies in the clinical teams’ work process in OR and procedural rooms, leading to frustrations, fears and ultimately burn-out, caused by non-clinical duties.

In this white paper, we’ve identified several pain-points that OR nurses routinely face and may distract from patient care and the ability to serve as the last line of defense. Frustrations, fears, burn-out may be directly traced to non-clinical duties and ultimately lead to preventable errors. OR nurses are striving to deliver optimal patient care, . They deserve our support to alleviate this unsustainable situation so they can better focus on their primary goal—to deliver optimal patient outcomes and safety.


In the white paper we reviewed:

> Recent sentinel events and inefficiencies in the work process from the nurse’s perspective

> Identify several pain-points that OR nurses routinely face—responsibilities that distract from patient care and may be directly traced to their frustrations, fears and ultimately burn-out.

> Finally, the white paper covers the options available to management for addressing these vital issues.

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